Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Sincerely, want to be healthy Makayla

Today I am going on another juice fast. Not sure how long this one is going to last but I'm hoping for 4 days. This time my boyfriend is trying it with me. He is a southern man from Alabama. It has been about 5 hours and he is having a hard time but they say the first couple of days are the hardest. As you can can see in the photo this is my results from my week long juice fast.

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Weight loss here I am.

Today I received my new Fitbit HR to jump start my weight loss journey.
Right now I am 25 years old 5'5''  and 203lbs so I am over weight and feeling it. I suffer from back and feet pain, and I also get very winded when walking and especially when going up stairs. So I figure it is time for a change. 

Do any of you have one? If so how has it helped you monitor your health? If you don't have one are you hoping for one for Christmas? I found the best deal on Amazon of course. I created this link for you all to check it out or you can look at other things>>> Fitbit Charge HR Wireless Activity Wristband, Black, Large